We Interviewed an Oli at Home Patient…

Q: How long have you been receiving Botox treatments?

A: I just started last year and have probably received around four or five treatments so far

Q: How does it compare to what you expected?

A: The process is different and the results are better. I think I expected it to be more time consuming and more of a process but especially now getting treatments at home… it is very fast. The results have definitely surpassed my expectations and I envy my daughters that are starting in their 20s! That is the one thing I wish I could do… go back and start sooner

Q: What made you decide to start getting Botox?

A: I have a very thorough skin care routine. Expensive serums, retinols, moisturizer, sunscreen, face masks… I have tried them all. It is incredible how much more effective Botox treatments are for skin tightening compared to all of those things combined. Once you start, it sort of becomes a feeling of ‘oh wow, why did I not start doing this sooner…’

Q: What is your favorite treatment area?

A: I want to say forehead, but I think it is actually probably my 11s, the lines in between my eyebrows… smoothing out that area makes such a big difference in my appearance and confidence

Q: Final question - we have to ask, what made you switch to Oli?

A: I actually saw the Grosse Pointe News article and became interested and then was at a holiday cookie exchange party and someone brought it up and said it was a great experience and I thought they looked great so I decided to try it out!


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